Wednesday, 29 May 2013

How to properly prepare for your competition? The Tapering Method

     Whether you are a hockey player, football player, power lifter or marathon runner, achieving maximal performance for your competition is critical. In order to achieve maximal performance for your competition you must focused and ready at all times. Competitions can be physically and mentally demanding, so it essential for an athlete to be maximally prepared.

 Prior to competition athlete's will reduce their training intensity and frequency to prepare for their upcoming competition. By reducing your intensity and frequency before your competition, this will ensure that your body is fully rested and injury free. This method is referred to as the tapering method. The tapering method is the period in which you are reducing your training intensity and frequency to ensure maximal recovery prior to your competition. The tapering method allows for your body to recover and heal any damaged muscles, tendons or tissues. Research suggests that the tapering phase can start anywhere from 4 days before competition and all the way up to about 20 days before competition. It all depends on the sport or event your preparing for, as some sports and events will require a longer tapering phase, whereas others will require a shorter tapering phase.

     Since the tapering phase allows time for the muscles, tendons and tissues to repair, athletes will usually experience a significant increase in strength, power, and performance ability during this phase. Also, the tapering phase will allow for energy reserves to be replenished (i.e. muscle and liver glycogen). Lastly, research has shown that with proper tapering an athlete's performance for their competition can increase upwards of about 3%. 

     So the next time you are preparing for a competition, you might want to consider reducing your intensity a few days to weeks prior to your competition, in order to maximize your performance. 

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