Monday, 8 July 2013

Do you have a Vitamin B-12 Deficiency?

Vitamins are materials that our bodies need to grow and develop properly. Vitamins act as catalysts in chemical reactions and they are essential for metabolic regulation. We need them in relatively small quantities and most of the time we can get them through our diets. There are several vitamins that our body needs to survive and each one of them as a specific role.

Vitamin B-12 is only one of the several vitamins our body needs to survive and it is a water-soluble vitamin, with an important role in the functioning of our brain and nervous system. Vitamin B-12, like all other B-complex vitamins serves as a co-factor for various enzymes involved in the oxidation of food and the release of energy. Vitamin B-12 has several important functions in the metabolism of amino acids and is also needed for the production of red blood cells in our body.  

What are the potential Benefits of Vitamin B-12?

Consuming the daily recommended intake of vitamin B-12 has several potential benefits to the human body including:
·         Increased metabolism
·         Fat Loss
·         Reduced stress and fatigue
·         Promotes healthy skin, hair and nails
·         Protection against cancer
·         Increased energy levels
·         Improved mental alertness

Vitamin B-12 Deficiency

A vitamin B-12 deficiency could lead to several potential harmful effects on our brain and nervous system. Research has shown that people with a vitamin B-12 deficiency are prone to fatigue, depression and memory loss. Also, a vitamin B-12 deficiency may cause impaired performance during exercise or training. In order to reverse a vitamin B-12 deficiency, a proper diet or supplementation should be incorporated. 

What foods contain Vitamin B-12?

Vitamin B-12 is mostly found in meat products. Some foods that contain high amounts of vitamins B-12 include: fish, liver, beef, lamb, and eggs. However, if you are a vegan you might want to consider taking a vitamin-B12 supplement to ensure that you are getting your daily recommended intake of vitamin B-12.

What is the Daily Recommended intake of B-12 for males and females?
Several research studies suggest that males and females between the ages 14-70 require 2.4mcg/day. This would be equivalent to eating a few pieces of fish or beef each day.  

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